Tackle Stress, Tech Neck, and Knots with this Relaxing Aromatherapy Massage Oil

I don't know about you but I've been spending a lot more time staring at a screen lately. I'm grateful for technology but between zoom calls, online orders, online classes, online church, and the like I certainly feel the effects of staring at screens in my neck and body.

But now more than ever its important to take time to care for ourselves both mentally and physically.

Ergonomic setups can help us avoid strains and repetitive motion related problems. Making sure we get up and move every so often is also a great idea as is regular exercise, engaging in enjoyable activities as best we can, and having a positive mindset.

When tension and knots do manifest massage and stretching can be very helpful. Add aromatherapy along with massage enhances the benefits. It's amazing how effective antispasmodic essential oils can be at helping knots to release and helping to get the body into a relaxed state.

I shared a blend on a Facebook live earlier today and as promised I'll share the hard copy of the recipe here.

This blend features a 50:50 mix of sunflower oil and jojoba oil. I like using sunflower oil because its great for the skin and a good choice for massage. It absorbs well but still allows for slip and glide. Jojoba absorbs well, has a long shelf life, and works well for massage. I added a little vitamin E for the skin and also as an antioxidant.

I chose to add lavender essential oil as it is antispasmodic, a tonic to the body, and deeply relaxing for the muscles as well as the mind. I also add Eucalyptus because it offers analgesic, anti inflammatory, and cooling properties and is also a skin cell penetration enhancer; which means it helps other ingredients to penetrate the skin. I chose juniper berry essential oil for its analgesic and anti inflammatory properties as well as its ability to move fluids. It also offers anti microbial properties as a secondary benefit. I should note that most of the essential oils I used in the blend offer some level of anti microbial protection. Roman chamomile is deeply relaxing and offers antispasmodic and analgesic properties and helps soothe and calm the mind and emotions as well. Sandalwood is incredibly relaxing and one of my favorite essential oils to use to address tight muscles and knots. It is expensive but a little goes a long way. Be sure to get it from a vendor who can assure it is being sustainably sourced.

Relaxing Aromatic Massage Oil (2% dilution):

2 oz or larger bottle

1 oz sunflower oil

1 oz jojoba oil

10 drops lavender essential oil

4 drops Eucalyptus essential oil

2 drops Roman chamomile essential oil

2 drops juniper berry essential oil

2 drops sandalwood essential oil

10 drops (1/2 ml) vitamin E

Add carrier oils to the bottle. Add essential oils and vitamin E. Cap bottle and roll gently to mix. Add a little oil to the palms of your hands and massage into neck and shoulder area or as needed for tightness or knots. Breath in the relaxing aroma and breath out tension while relaxing your face, neck, and shoulders.

LabAroma analysis agrees that this is an excellent blend for the skeletal/muscular system and balancing.

Be sure to check out the FB video for a few stretches and additional tips.

Safety: use caution with Eucalyptus around children under 10. Juniper berry essential oil is prone to oxidation and can be potentially irritating to the skin. Store well sealed and away from light and heat.

If you don't have all these essential oils no worries. Even a blend with 20 drops of lavender or 10 drops lavender and 10 drops eucalyptus in 2 oz carrier would be awesome. You could switch up the carrier to fractionated coconut, just jojoba, or even unscented lotion or cream would work.

IF you have questions about aromatherapy, essential oils, or just want to poke around the website contact Tricia or visit our webstore and website.

aromatic blessings,

